Change or Cancel an Appointment

Cancel an Appointment

You can contact the surgery by phone during opening hours to cancel an appointment by either using the Patient Patient feature which will ask you for you date of birth and a registered phone number or by speaking with a receptionist.

You can also cancel an appointment through the NHS App, Anima or by logging into your SystmOnline account. Please visit our online services page for more information about these services.

Online Services

Change an Appointment

If you wish the change an appointment, you can contact a member of reception either on the phone or at one of our reception desks.

You can also submit an online request via Anima here requesting an appointment change. Please note that you must give us as much notice as possible before changing your appointment.

Alert: Online Consultation (Anima)

You can now submit all enquiries including Appointments, Medical requests, Prescriptions, Test results and Sick/Fit notes through our online consultation system Anima. To log in or create an account, please click here.