Patient Information

All information at the Riverside Health Centre is held, retained and destroyed in accordance with NHS guidelines and under the data protection act 1998. If you require any further information of who has access to your patient information please contact the Data Quality & Governance Manager.

From time to time patient records may be reviewed by a healthcare professional who is not an individuals own GP for the purposes of clinical audit. This would only be for the purpose of quality assurance and each healthcare professional is bound by a code of conduct with respect to confidentiality. If you do not wish your records to be reviewed for such purposes you should inform a member of staff. The surgery will then record that you, the patient has not given your consent and ensure that your records do not form part of any external review.

Access To Medical Records

You have the right to ask for a copy of all records about you.

  • Your request should be made to the practice holding your information
  • We are required to respond to you within one Month
  • You will need to give adequate information (for example full name, address, date of birth NHS number etc.)

Electronic Data

Better way to store and share you health information

Health professionals need to record and access up to date health information about their patients to ensure effective delivery of patient care. Previously this has been done using paper records, and by faxing or telephoning information to other health care professionals.

The NHS Care Records Service is introducing one electronic record for everyone in England, which will make the sharing of information more efficient and also improve the quality of information available. This is being introduced in stages and therefore may appear in some local areas earlier than others.

What is happening in your area?

Here & Now

Within your local area some GP’s and Community Services are now able to access patient information electronically using systems which will form part of the NHS Care Record Service, which means that information can currently be shared. For example, if a patient suffers a stroke, a GP, community nurse, physiotherapist and speech therapist might all be involved in different areas of their care. Where the new electronic care record is in place, these professionals would be able to access relevant information about the patient, such as name and address, medication and treatment electronically, and from different locations.

This surgery is currently using the new electronic care record. This means that other health care professionals involved in your treatment will have access to your electronic record, instead of the previous paper records.

Your right to security & confidentiality

NHS and social care organisations have always exchanged patient information where needed in order to provide safe and effective care for patients. Organisations and professionals have established protocols to safeguard patients’ rights to privacy and confidentiality. Electronically this is no different and access to the system is stringently controlled.

Choosing how much information you want to share

You do have a choice to restrict access to your health information; however deciding to restrict access may affect the quality of care you receive as the relevant information may not be available to the healthcare professional treating you when needed.

If you feel you do not want your health information to be shared with health professionals outside of this practice who are involved in your care please let your practice know. If there are events or items within your record that you feel are sensitive and therefore would not like them to be shared, but are happy for the remaining record to be shared, please let your practice know and these events can be restricted where the other items can be shared.

*Only people involved in your care will access your records and no one without a need to know will access any information about you.*

If you have any questions relating to this, please contact

Alert: Online Consultation (Anima)

You can now submit a medical request through our online consultation system Anima, to log in or create an account Please Click Here