Hooray For Hosiery (And Geraldine)
A big thank you to one of our patients who has wrote us a lovely poem dedicated to our nurses who helped with their treatment!
Geri Freestone (Nurse Team Lead), Vicky Grainger (Practice Nurse) & Charlie Spink (Practice Nurse) have also all received a wonderful gift from this patient to certify that a stone has been adopted at Lincoln Cathedral in their names “In recognition of their unstinting dedication to patient care and rehabilitation”.
Please have a read of the poem below. It’s brilliantly written!
I know you’ll find this rather shocking,
I now wear a sexy stocking.
And, yes, I know it’s hard to bear,
not just the one, I’ve got a pair.
I wear them with black comfy panties
from M&S, the chunky ones, not frilly scanties.
T’was my sole choice to choose and pick ’em,
and label them so Cynth don’t nick ’em.
I’m clocking it and getting old,
and rarely do as I am told.
So, take a breath, stand on your plinth
and shout support for hard-done Cynth.
But, I’ve got new legs, I’ll show ’em off,
some will clap and some will scoff.
And I’ll flash my legs in paisley shorts,
accept applause, deride the snorts.
I’ll dance, I’ll jig, do a little hop,
and wow the Staff out our local Co-op.
And if they join in, get a thrill
I’ll get Double-Divi on my bill.
I’ve got a man-bag (rather butch),
you can stuff more in than a flimsy clutch.
I cram it in, all I can get,
my Dermol, Epinox, my Fucibet.
But, at the start my legs were crabby,
swollen, bloated, leaking, scabby.
Quite a sight to turn the belly,
‘specially as the wounds were smelly.
And to the rescue to save my pins,
came not just one, but three Heroines.
Me legs were squeezed and pummelled, poked,
with a lovely feeling when they were stroked.
Yes, Geri’s got a hand-picked team,
there’s Vicky, Charlie (they reign supreme).
And I’ve got Cynth as my Assistant
to make me behave (she’s most persistent).
My legs are gorgeous now for all to see,
and very manly (a bit like me!)
I praise the Lord that I was not alone,
and give the hugest thanks to Geri Freestone.